Mike Emmerich

Founding Director

Mike leads our work on investment in cities and has built our practice advising major regeneration projects and innovation district development, including two years of work with Cambridge Biomedical Campus. He also directed our work with the Impact Investing Institute and Lloyds Banking Group to explore how mainstream financial institutions can participate in place-based impact investing and regeneration finance.

Prior to establishing Metro Dynamics, Mike was Chief Executive of New Economy Manchester, a renowned centre of excellence delivering policy, strategy and research covering economic issues, housing, planning, the environment, public health and crime for Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Local Enterprise Partnership. Under his leadership, New Economy initiated the Manchester Independent Economic Review, delivering a high-quality evidence base to inform decision makers in Manchester. Alongside Sir Howard Bernstein, Mike was responsible for developing and negotiating the Greater Manchester devolution deals.

Mike has also previously worked at HM Treasury and the Prime Minister’s Policy Unit, where he advised the Prime Minister in local government, housing, planning regeneration, social exclusion, youth, community cohesion, and the voluntary sector. Mike is a Member of the Economic & Social Research Council and of the Policy Committee of the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics.